Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

Today I pick up my new and crazy contacts. I'm so excited about the possiblity of seeing clearly. If they don't work, do you know how disappointed I'll be. I know they will take some getting use to, but my Doc really has me pumped up about the being able to see like someone with 20/20 vision OR better! I'm thinking Tiger Woods vision!!!!! (you know he has better than 20/20, right).

Em's competition is Saturday and the girls are so excited. I can't wait to see them perform. There is only two in their section, so no matter what, they bring home a trophy to the school, but they really want 1st! This is another reason I wanted the contact before this weekend, so I can see the girls performing, not ours really, but all the rest of the schools in our division.

The turkey (chicken) noodle soup mentioned in the last blog was a huge hit. I actually have a bowl of it today for lunch and it's almost gone! Steve has had it for a couple of meals and Em has ate it a couple of times. It was really, really good!

I'll post later about the contacts... let's hope they work!

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