Monday, April 24, 2006

Weekend Review

Let me start by rewinding to Thursday. I had an appointment with my Orthopedic surgeon... you see the week before Easter my knee popped (this is the knee that I had reconstructive surgery on in '85 - I was 14 - so know you all know my age) on Thursday and Friday of that week I ran a lot of errands and my knee swelled and hurt like crazy ... to the point that I couldn't shop anymore (can you imagine!!!). Well, Tuesday last week I go up off the couch to walk across the floor and I had a pain in my knee that brought tears to my eye. I couldn't walk for a few seconds it hurt so bad. So I made an appointment Wednesday and go in to see the Physican attendant. I fully expected him to say that I had some cartledge damage ...... well no its worse. Since I had some of my menicus removed in that area it isn't that. The bad news is that I have an alignment problem, which I was probably born with. But because of the severe work I had done at such a young age, my left knee is weaker and the mis-alignment is more pronounced, causing bone on bone on the inner portion of my knee. I have some major arthritis in that area of my knee that will only get worse with the years and age. I do have some options ... none are great or a real fix, they are a temporary fix. 1) therpy ..... doing that now to strength certain muscles to help hold my knee joint in place 2) shots - once a week for 5 weeks - lasts about 6 months. It sorta make a cushion in the knee. 3) brace - big, bulkly, ugly, knee brace to hold my knee in the correct position, wear it at all times that I'm on my feet. 4) sugery - last options ...... 2 surgeries available - knee replacement, but I'm not a candidate because of my age - high tibial ostotomy osteotomy is the other option, but as far as I'm cocerned, its not an option right now. Its a painful surgery- where they cut a wedge of bone out of your "shin" bone, stuff it with more bone and cause your knee to align correctly. It is a long recovery, something that I can't do at this time (with an active kid). So I go back May 18 for an appointment with my actual doctor, I'll post more after I've talked with him.

Now, to the weekend. Since DD is grounded (two "D" on her report card) we hung out together (she was suppose to have a little girl spend the night). DH had to work 2nd shift, so we hung out Friday night, when shopping Saturday after going to the park to watch our nephew play. I hit Memories in Bloom and Hobby Lobby in Clarksville. Sunday we hung out, bought some flowers, planted them and then we (DH included) went fishing - which was DD's idea).

Nice weekend, of course since I spent so much time outside, my allergies are TERRIBLE right now. Itchy nose and eyes, my poor nose is raw from blowing it 5000 times Saturday night/Sunday.

I did finish up two clip boards Saturday night and planned a second one Sunday, but didn't start on it.

Talk more later!

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