There's really not much going on in the Burch house. Em is into summer cheerleading schedule. Yesterday and today she spend 5 1/2 hours at the gym learning their competition routine. She said it was "ok", her feet started hurting. She has gymnastics two times a week, Monday and Fridays. 3 hours total. The Friday class is her favorite because it is straight one hour of gymnastics. BUT, she likes Monday because she gets to see her school friends that she normally would get to see during the summer. She's decided that she's gonna be a "big girl" now and spend the night away from home. I think she realizes that she's missing out on a lot of stuff that her friends don't invite her too because they know she won't spend the night. Good for her. Only took her 5 years to make the decision. Steve got his new bow set up, so we've been shooting some together. It's fun. He is better than me, but I'm getting there. I've decided to just go back to the way I learned and stop trying to make my stance and form perfect. I shoot pretty good just doing it my way. Right or Wrong. Em's Monday night gymnastics/cheer class is in Hendersonville, and right across from it is the bow range. Steve and I might take our bows one Monday and practice. It'll be fun to do it together. Last time we were there, I was the only one shooting. His new Hoyt is FAST! He really likes it. I'm happy for him.
I haven't been scrapbooking much, but I'm getting the itch. I've lost some pictures in my mess of scrapbook room. If it rains this weekend, I might tackle getting it cleaned up. I'm getting to the point of not being able to find anything. And it's getting on my nerves ....... which means it's really bad!!!! Memories In Bloom has some new stuff, so I'm kinda wanting to hit the store soon.
Since Em has two weeks of dead time from Cheerleading (TSSAA mandate) we're thinking of going to Holiday World or maybe even Beach Bend. Just something different and quick. It's hard with Steve cutting grass to take a long vacation, one or two days are doable, but 5 is hard. If you've been to either or both, let me know what you thought. I know Holiday World is more fun, but money is a factor since we just sent off Tuition and still paying cheerleading fees.
I have a few pictures to share. Enjoy!
This Kala, Steve's niece and her brother Cody. She graduated on Em's birthday May 21, from Greenbriar High School. She's a great girl! Cody and Em are a lot alike and almost exactly a year a part in age.

Em's "cookie cake" from Sweet & Sassy. I took it to school for her b-day along with pizza. The kids liked it but it was a bit rich. They really needed smaller pieces than I cut for them. Oh well, live and learn! It was quite cute though. Sweet & Sassy rocks!

After cookie and pizza in the cafe at school (love the verse behind them). These are all 6th grade girls acting silly!

Em and Pepaw Burch (Steve's dad) . This was his birthday party but it was on Steve' actual birthday day. Pepaw turned 65 and Steve turned 40. (not sure what that is on Em's head???)

THE TURKEY!!!! This is a really good picture. I think I'm gonna get it blown up 5x7 and hang it close to the mount when it comes in. This bird scored 68.5 with the NWTF. 22lbs 4 oz, 10 3/4 beard and 1 1/4 inc spurs! NICE ONE!!!

This picture seems to the the "lady's" favorite. I touched it up in Picassa, so that the edges are blurred. I think it's pretty cool!

If you're still with me, here's a new picture of Molly. She's is really one of the most beautiful dogs I've ever seen.

1 comment:
When you gonna share the secret? Are you pregnant? HA!
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