Well, this weekend is another cook and freeze day at Casa de B. The freezer is running a little low. We found out last night that Chicken & Dumplings don't freeze and reheat very well. Steve said they reminded him of grits with veggies in them. They tasted okay, but looked pretty yucky. I think the dumplings fell apart. So, I'm making a grocery list. We're having a friend of Emilee's over Saturday night - actually he played football for Steve and his parents are going out "alone" Saturday and he wants to come hang out at the house with us..... not sure why, cause we all think our house is boring, but he calls us his second family. He's a good kid and Em and him get along pretty good. So, my plan is to get up tomorrow, clean house, go to Walmart and then start cooking Saturday evening. Cleaning shouldn't take too long....... Em and Steve are going to work on the basement room as I do the upstairs and I probably won't clean on my bedroom, and Em is cleaning her room. Anyways, all that to say, I'll start cooking Saturday night and then finish up Sunday. Not sure yet of the menu, I'll figure it out today sometime.

Here's a picture of Wyatt, Zach, Emilee and Abby last April. Zach is the one coming over tomorrow. This picture was taken after their 5th grade play. Wyatt was a pirate .. the beard is fake.
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