Sorry ..... not much really happening that needed to be said. Just regular life stuff.
We went on vacation in July, school started in Aug, football & cheerleading, my job was deleted end of July, got another job (same place), started new job Oct 1, DD danced with Titans - was on the stage!, school football is over, cheerleading for basketball is around the corner, Titans are 7 - 0, DD is going to be Dorothy from Wizard of Oz for Halloween, and it's almost halloween.So that pretty much sums it up!
So, now for some pictures:
Vacation picture Myrtle Beach, SC = family shot. The wind was blowing like crazy. Mine and Em's hair was crazy............... (this picture has been edited in PSE)
Another shot of the three of us.

The whole crew. Grandaddy, Me, Steve, Nana and Em. Not sure why the picture isn't all that great. Probably could use Nana's loving touch in Photoshop.
I've been in my new job about a month now. Not much different than any other administrative assistant job I've ever had. Just a different boss. Although this time I'm dabbling in the publishing world - that's new. Which is weird considering our business is publishing. I work with the Young Adult Curriculum, which I'm no longer considered a Young Adult, now I'm just an Adult! :-)
Titans ......... what about them Titans 7-0.... beat the Colt! YEA! Here's some pictures when Em danced! It was The Sept 28th game against the Vikings.

Before the game. We have to be at the games when she dances at 8:30. Which means she has to get up around 6:30. She doesn't do mornings well. She really didn't want me to take this and it was chilly.

Here she is dancing. Such a natural. She was on the 10 yard line, front row. She did sooooo good.

Here she is right in middle of the stage .... she was one of 6 girls picked to dance on the stage at the end of the routine. This is the Titans 10 yr anniversary in TN so the theme this year was Past, Present & Future. They had all the cheerleaders dance from the past 10 years plus about 200 little (future) girls. It was really neat, but a lot to watch. I think Em felt a little slighted till she got to be on the stage, because she knew everyone would be watching the "big" girls. She really loves to do this.

After she cheered, we went and picked her up. She talked Daddy into a new jersey ($70!!) . Then we went back to our seats with Beth Watson and her crew. This picture is of Em and Erica. Erica is 18 and is Em's role model!

Family shot after the game. Em was so tired and hot, but she looked really cute in her jersey, fancy earings and little cheerleading skirt!
We also went to Gatlinburg a couple weeks ago to take Em to her first UT game. Yes, they won the game we went to, so that was nice. We had a good time. Here are a few pictures:

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