I don't have any "great" pictures to share today and I hate that. I really like to share pictures, but since I haven't brought any to work lately.. nothing to share thats new.
I do want to say I'm rocking at Scapbooking right now. Since cheering is over for the moment for Em, I acutally have extra time on my hands! Especially this week since it's Springbreak! NO HOMEWORK!!!! She really has a lot of homework during school and it's hard on her. She is just so social and active that after sitting in class all day, it's a lot to ask her to sit for another couple hours after school. But, its all worth it for a good education. Something I can say I didn't get. Hopefully all this work now will pay off when she start college. From what I understand, that's what private schools do, prepare you for college. I know it's preparing me for a monthly school payment! Whew! Only 9 more years to go till no more school payment! (that only includes 3 yrs of college!)
So, here's something to share:

The first two are Christmas Eve, Em and Dad, Em and Me.

This picture was Christmas morning .... her "big" gift. A 32" Flatscreen TV for her room. It's mounted and has the satelite hooked up to it now. Nice for a 10 yr old huh?
Thats all for now!
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