Wednesday, February 13, 2008

DAYS of OUR Lives

If you've read any of my past posts, you'll know I'm a DOOL fan. Have been since I was about 6 yrs old, staying with my grandmother, who watched all the channel 4 soaps. I've never been into the other channels, just channel 4. DOOL, Another World, Santa Barbara.... I loved watching those, especially DOOL and Another World. Of course, there was a period when I didn't watch (work gets in the way of everything!). Now, I don't watch but I read and every chance I get, I watch. Soap Net has it on at 10:00 CT, but I'm usually heading to bed at time. So, if you watch it, I understand (from my reading) that there are some pretty intense scene's coming up on the airplane....... Bo has cancer? WOW! And the plane is going to crash! Kayla and Steve are pregnant and I get Hope is too ..... Shawn, Belle and Claire are on the plane and I read someplace they are leaving the show, so I wonder if they will decide to go live someplace else to get away from Philip, who is trying to get over Belle and scooping on Chloe. AND John, poor guy. How many times can you get your memory erased? And Marlena is getting lots of play time, she turning into a regular DIVA! Anyways, love the show and currently I'm reading the day before's at Love knowing what's going to happen the day before!!!!

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