It's funny, cause you either get blogs or you don't. I went to lunch recently with some friends, pretty wide range of ages. From 23ish to 39ish. I was the only one who had a blog. The oldest in the group didn't get it and thought they'd never, ever have one or see why anyone would. One was starting or had just started one (he's a techie kind of guy - waving at him if he's reading) and the other two were just like whatever. I really enjoy reading blogs and thats how this one started. I thought, hey they can do, what can't I do it. Maybe one day when I'm a famous scrapbooker, people will flock to my site like the do Alli's or Heidi's. Just think if Becky H or Lisa B had one! WOW! Not many of my friends know I have one. I try not to advertise it to the general public. Most don't get scrapbooking and most would laugh at my posts. Plus, what if I talk about them?!?!?! He-he-he!
So, one to the pictures. I thought I'd show a few from a couple of Saturdays ago when we were swimming at Nana's! Steve had gotten in with the girls and was playing shark and such. He decied they should try and catch a "splat" ball while they jump in the water. The other little girl is my friends daughter. She's 6. Em is 9. Check out those boo-boos on Em - from a scooter wreck at daycare one day!

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