Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wednesday's Weight Loss post and more!

Just wanted to post that I haven't lost anything this week, but haven't gained either .... Maintained!!! Yeah! Now hear me, I don't have a ton to lose - like 10 more lbs - so all us women know that the last 10 is the worse! But I can lose 10 more lbs, it would bring my total to 25lbs and for me, that would be GREAT!!!

Now, on to more important things!

I've noticed on a couple of blogs ...... why I scrapbook posts. Well this got me thinking. Why do I scrapbook? Not, why are we suppose to scrapbook. Not, how are we suppose to scrapbook, but WHY DO I SCRAPBOOK?

For me, honestly, its a creative release. See, I grew up with my mom, who can tole paint like nobodys business. She also can make awesome flower arrangements. I didn't have a creative bone in my body till I stumbled upon scrapbooking. Here's the LONG story!

When my grandparents died in 1995, DD wasn't around yet. Not even a glimmer in her daddy's eyes. But as recipients of their house, I inherited all their stuff, including pictures. After we got all the clothes boxed and sent off, I had left blankets, furniture, knick-knacks and pictures. A large portion of their pictures were identifiable by my mom, thank goodness, but some weren't. So I started in on the genealogy kick! (See where I'm going?) After researching the family tree, spending a good bit of time at the state archives and sifting through the internet I had done about as much as I could do without trip out of the county. One one of the genealogy sites, I saw an ad for a scrapbook. Plain, 3 ring binder, 8.5 x 11 with page protectors. I think it came with some paper and stickers. I ordered it with the bright idea of putting those pictures on the pages. I didn't have a clue what to do or not to do. We'll I cut a picture, I put a few pictures down and I started research scrapbooking on the internet. By now it was around 1999 or 2000. DD had come along and was a baby. The more I learned about scrapbooking, the more hooked I became. So, I thought hey, I'll make my mom a Mother's Day present ... a scrapbook of her pictures of my DD. So I bought baby stuff, visited my first scrapbook store and started buy decorative scissors. It was soooooo fun. And the start of my addiction. I did take about 8 months off in 2002 (DH and I split up for a while) and then started back full force in 2003. BOY, just in that short time, things had changed a lot. So, you can see, I started off scrapbooking because I wanted to make a heritage album to keep all my heritage photos in. (I've done that, but a little more elaborate than just putting them on dark paper) I've documented by pregnancy, delivery and at least up through DD's 3 birthday (maybe in 4th). I use to scrap every picture, journal just enough to tell the story and use deco scissors. Now I don't scrap every picture, just the ones that tell the story or are special to me, I try to journal more and I only use deco scissors on paper (and not very often). I scrapbook because it's fun to me. I love to creative pictures, I love that DD likes to look through her album, I love making stuff for other people (thus the business) and I love having a hobby that I can do every season of the year. Most of friends don't get it, but they accept it. And most have benefited from it in some way or another (or will soon).

Wow, that was long. I applaud you if you stuck around to read all that. It's just alittle of what I share when I teach my "Scrapbooking your Faith" class. By the way, if you haven't already, please check out the retreat schedule here in Nashville in September:

Also, please leave me a comment so I know that you're stopping by ...... if you have a blog that I don't visit, please let me know so I can check out.

See ya later!

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