I've spent some time this morning finding scrapbooking personalities blogs. Just catching a glimpse into someone elses life is pretty neat. I mean, I don't get real personal in here, but I've only been doing this a couple of months. Maybe I'll open up more the more I write. You know, someone once told me to write my feelings because I could express them better that way.
Scrapbooking ....... I have a lot of friends who don't get scrapbooking. I have a lot of friends who love looking at my stuff and think its cool, but end the conversation with, I don't have time. And I have a few friends who actually do it. And I have one or two friends thinking about it. My biggest supporter is my mom. She thinks I'm way better than I actually am. She thinks I can do way more than I can and she thinks I should be a professional. I wish I had the confidence in me that she does. I love being around my "amateur" scrapbooking friends. They think I hung the moon. It's such a wonderful feeling to see them oohh & ahhh over my layouts - I know they aren't that great, but they thinking they are. And it does the heart good to hear good things about your layouts. I've stopped trying to get published. It'll happen when it happens. Right now, I'm happy concentrating on my design team responsibilities with Reminders of Faith. We have a calendar coming out 2007. Its the kind with the layouts on one page and the calendar on the other, like the CK calendars. I'll leave spots for the pictures and the consumer can stick their own pictures in the spots. The problem with this assignment is the pages can't be "trendy" and I'm doing them with the art director for ROF, who totally intimidates me. She is SOOO creative! Her stuff is so cute! Anyways, the trendy part is hard. I'm a total distresser and I think distressing is a fad, as is inking, ribbon, rub-ons and sewing. Beth, the art director, did say, "you know, people buying these calendars aren't scrapbookers, so they probably won't realize it", which is true, but the task is still daunting knowing I can't be "trendy".
Now, I know you're thinking, you're aren't good, but you're on a design team? Well, I fell into that. I met Sandra Joseph and the rest is history. We hooked up on email, I sent her copies of my layout and she says hey, be on our design team. At the time, we weren't an offical team, but now, we have a design team leader, Gina, and we have assignments - which are different than the calendar. I hope I can keep up with everything!!!!!
Next time: my thoughts on teaching......
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