Tracie got me thinking about what I could blog about today. 1) Days of Our Lives 2) my camera 2) husbands 3) scrapbooking.
1) As noted in another blog, I love Days of Our Lives. I have forever. But since I work full-time, I have to keep up with it via-written pulications and blogs. I love the early edition blog ( I LOVE getting the information the day before. That way I don't have to watch the reruns on the Soap Opera network on our DirectTV system. For those who don't watch, skip ahead to #2, cause you're going to be lost. Now, I think Marlena is a great actress but her story lines lately totally suck! I love have the original Roman back on the show, but now I'm so confused having 3 "Romans" all at once. Can one family do such things has hide people, brainwash them, keep them captive for so long as the DiMera's? And then there's Sami. Poor thing. Allison seems to be such a nice, sweet girl with a new cute baby, but her character can't catch a break. I mean, I know that she brings a lot of of it herself, but I'd love to see her truly happy just once. And Bo and Hope ... what is up with them. Bo is being such a typical male ... letting all the women in his life rule him and not listening to the one that matters the most. Belle and Shawn ... you know that baby is going to be his! There will be some need for blood work and the baby will be Shawns and you know, they don't remember actually "doing it" so everyone's going to be in a tisy! How could that happen? We'll you're big people, you know how it happens .... and no, it's not the DiMera's!!!!! Oh yea, how many times can Jack die and come back to life? He must be part cat with 9 lives. But I'm actually looking forward to Jennifer and Frankie ... he's such a cutie. AND that brother of his.... wow, he's another looker! I'm so totally wrapped up in this "family" that I have to remind myself all the time ........ its not real, the stories are suppose to be "fun", that is just to entertain us... even when it doesn't make a bit of sense!!!
Days of Our Lives, can't live with it, can't live without it!!!
2) Oh yea, about my camera. We'll, DH got me a Minolta Dimage Z3 for Christmas, although I gave him some money to buy it for me, because it was almost $500 and we don't normal spend that much on each other. So I really bought myself a camera for Christmas. He gave it to me in November so I could practice and figure out how to use it because Christmas morning. I like the camera and it took some really good shots at Disney in May. It has a 12x zoom, so thats great for action shots and close ups, but the low lighting pictures are a lot to be desired. Matter of fact, if I'm taking inside pictures, I have to turn on all the light available to keep the pictures from being "orangey". I read that this is one of the few things that the camera needs work on ... of course I read this after I get the camera. BUT, the whole story is that coming in from DD's football game the other day, I dropped it and broke the battery "door" off and now I can't use it. I was so bummed and almost cried because I couldn't get the camera on at first! I knew DH wouldn't buy me another one and I can't go without a camera (although I have 3 "good" film cameras to use). But I finally got it one, but I'll probably end of spending a small fortune having it fixed! UGH!!!!
3) Husband. I really don't anything to say, other than mine is at home today, because, we'll I'm not sure, other than he called in sick and he is going to the doctor. Something about his shoulder hurting, but a different hurt than normal. Whatever that mean!?!?!?!
4) Scrapbooking ................ I'm so ready to be finished with this craftfair project. I'm getting the hankering to work on Emilee's books using the my new Becky Higgins sketches book. I was looking at it again last night and its pretty cool. At first I didn't like it very much, but the more I look, the more I see that I can really use it. I so hate thinking about where to put pictures. Maybe this weekend sometime I can work on a page or two for her books, just to get me through the hump!
We'll I gotta run ......... see ya later. Oh yea, I'm going to post some pictures of my doggy if I can ever figure out how!