This week I decided that I need to freeze up some more meals for the family. I really need to get to the store also, so I'll just plan a menu and buy for that. With summer upon us, we are starting to spend more time outside enjoying the weather and doing fun things, so we are eating later and later. I really don't want to be stuck inside while everyone else in outside, so I'm going to try and make about 4 meals Saturday morning to freeze and then hopefully get some more done next weekend. This is my 8 days of meals. All can be frozen. Side dishes may or maynot.
1 - Meal Loaf, Sweet Potatoe Casserole, Corn Pudding
2 - Spaghetti, Salad, Bread
3 - Chicken & Rice casserole, green veggie of some sorts
4 - Hamburgers, chips
5 - Pork loin, Broccoli & Cheese casserole
6 - Chicken Pot Pie, Salad
7 - Pizza Pasta Casserole, Salad, Bread
8 - Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry, Rice, Steamed Broccoli/Califlower
Sounds yummy huh? I'm not a meal loaf lover, but it's easy pretty quick. I'm trying a new recipe for it. The sweet potatoe cassserole and corn pudding recipes are from my mom ... the best ever!!! The Teriyaki Chicken you really just mixed everything up in a freezer bag and freeze it, then take it out and cook. You know once chicken is in strips it doesn't take long to cook it up.
Em made the middle school cheerleading squad ... YEA for her, boo for me cause it's expensive! But she's loving it and that's all that matters. Go Cougars!
I killed a turkey Friday, but don't have the pictures with me to post. I'll try to get them posted soone on Facebook. It was another Jake, but it was a cool kill cause Neighbor Mike shot also.
More later!