So, I'm off Dec 22 thru Jan 5 ........ I'm not sure if I can contain myself. How great will it be to sleep past 5:15am! I won't get to sleep too late in the morning though, cause DH is still working and he'll be in around 8:30 - that is if he's working. He's really hurt his neck at work and finally went to Occupational Health Services today. He really didn't want to turn it in as Workers Comp, but he hurt it working, so I think they should take care of it. Plus if is insurance even thinks it's work related, they won't pay it! So, maybe (I shouldn't say this) they'll tell him to stay home next week ... although he'll drive me crazy! But it would be nice to spend a week with him and Emilee doing nothing (except cleaning).
I'm still shooting my bow. No pictures yet (maybe next week). I'm getting okay. I'm really trying to work on my form so I'm changing things a lot, causing me to not always hit my target. I shot for about 30 min last night. My arm's not to sore, so I'm getting use to it. My elbow still hurts some, but not as much as it did and every once in a while my shoulder will hurt, but I can live with both. There was a period of about 3 weeks where I thought I was going to have to cut my elbow off. Tennis elbow really hurts.
Christmas is almost here and I feel bad. By the time I get Emilee finished and get all the stuff I need to do parties, Christmas dinner and food for the house, I'm out of money to really get Steve something nice. He's getting 3 wrapped presents and $100 cash. I think I ended up spending about $230 counting his cash. I know he spent more on me, but I'm all he spends his X-mas saving on. I use mine on all of Emilee's presents, plus mom & dad and the few "others" I have to do. He's okay with it though it seems. But I feel bad. Every year I vow not to use my credit cards for any Christmas presents. Last year we did a little, but it was interest free and we paid it off within the year. I think I might have to break that vow and get Steve a little something else - although I'm not sure what! Something hunting related? Clothes? He really needs a nice Titans t-shirt & sweatshirt ... maybe?
I'm almost ready to leave work. Gotta run to the CU and bookstore, meet Dean W to give him a present and then off to get Em at school. Then gotta take back a present to exchange for the right size (bought a pair of shoes in 2 different sizes and didn't know it)
I pray that everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'll post pictures after Christmas, as our family is getting suprise this year that only a few of us know about. My dad doesn't know and he's going to be sooooo suprised!
Christy .... out!