So, I'm not sure why it's been almost a month since I posted last. Probably because I like to post with pictures and I don't have any new ones to show ...... so no post!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Last year seemed to fly by! 2006 came and went soooooo fast. I can't believe its 2007 and I'm almost a year older!
So, what did you get for Christmas? I got (from DH) a $75 gift certificate to Scrappuccino's and the EK Success Disney book. From mom & dad I got the QK Sunshine set and a Xyron 900, with and extra cartridge, plus a few cartrides for my 500 model. YEA! I also got clothes, towels, earrings, perfume and some other cool stuff! Em racked up ..... PS2, Karoke machine, Ipod Nano, American Girl and Bitty Baby stuff, CD's out the wazoooo, clothes, jewerly box ..... lots and lots. Steve got money - that's what he wanted. He's going on a guided hunt next year, so he's trying to save every bit of extra money he can to pay cash for it! (good for him!)
It was a great Christmas and so nice to have off almost 11 days straight. I cleaned out my closet, cleaned up some of the basement, took stuff to the daycare, gave clothes away to someone who's house burned down ....... nice to have that done. And the basement is getting cleaned so we can start working on building a wall and sheetrocking my scrap studio! YEA!!!!
I might have pictures soon. I should have already downloaded them off the card, but I was lazy when it came to spending time on the computer. I didn't even check my checking account and it was hurting when I looked this morning ...... :-)!
Gotta run and work on the above mentioned problem. More later!