I love new clothes almost as much as I love new scrapbooking embellishments. Right now I've got some serious "I need some new springy clothes" really bad. I got a Chadwicks magazine in the mail the other day and have marked lots of stuff! Very pretty springy things. I especially love some denim gauchos. We can't wear them to work, so actually buying them makes it hard for me, but they are so darn cute. I need to get them before they are all gone. Last night I was looking at my full closet of clothes thinking how little I actually wear. And how there are several skirts I bought last year that I'll probably get rid of this year because, well, my taste has changed as have the color schemes this year. Southern Gymnastics (where DD takes) is having a yard sale to help raise money for new equipment for the new gym, so I'm thinking about donating all those clothes, plus the huge bag downstairs that I can donate. Can I write that off on my taxes next year? I've also got all of DD's baby toys I can donate. Wow, I probably could have a yardsale myself with all my junk ........ might have to think about that!
I've picked out all the papers for the 6x6 album I'm doing. It should be finished by this weekend. Although it'll be a pretty busy weekend for us. I hope I can get enough work time in to finish it. Then a lady at work wants me to help her make one for grandsons other grandma. I haven't figured out how thats gonna work yet.
I've lost another -2.2 lbs. Of course, thats after having two weeks of gaining (a total of 1.4lbs), but still I lost all of that plus some. Only 10 more lbs to go and I'll be happy. If I lose 20 lbs, that'll make me EXTREMELY happy! Right now the goal is 10 more lbs!
Talk more soon!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Whats on my mind today?
My job. I don't like it much. But it draws a pay check. I don't feel fullfilled. I think I'd be much happier working 3 days a week and scrapbooking the other 2. Wouldn't we all? I so enjoyed my Monday and Friday off last week, but I know if I worked PT, I wouldn't be able to shop for scrapbooking stuff like I did those two days because my salary would be less. So, there lays the problem .... less work, less money, same bills and still a child to put through private school. I guess I'll continue to work. 30 more years as my husband put it last night. My answer, I don't think so, no way am I working 30 more years!!!! 30 years ......... UGH!!!!!
On the upside, I finished an 8x8 album for a girlfriend at work Saturday night. I'm giving it to her for a shower gift. I estimate that its worth about $40.00. Probably more than I would have spent on her, but I'm hoping it will be good exposure, as she lives in another part town. It only took me about 8 days to finish it. Thats about 8 to 10 hours of work for me, which means I'm only paying myself between $5 to $4 per hour. WOW! Its a very simple book though, mostly pattern paper, some ribbon, a few rubons and computer generated monthly labels (what she wanted). I'll scan or take pictures of some of the pages tonight. I used mostly Rob & Bob slab papers and some Christina Cole papers (very pretty!!!).
I'm starting a 6x6 album (for pay) today for a co-worker here at work. She's having her first grand-girl! She's very excited. I'm kinda nervous about working with a 6x6, which doesn't leave much room for emblishments or titles. But she picked the size, so what the customer wants, the customer gets.
We saw Shaggy Dog this weekend. VERY cute movie. DD will probably get it on DVD since I liked it so much. Tim Allen did a great job as a the dog!
More later ........
On the upside, I finished an 8x8 album for a girlfriend at work Saturday night. I'm giving it to her for a shower gift. I estimate that its worth about $40.00. Probably more than I would have spent on her, but I'm hoping it will be good exposure, as she lives in another part town. It only took me about 8 days to finish it. Thats about 8 to 10 hours of work for me, which means I'm only paying myself between $5 to $4 per hour. WOW! Its a very simple book though, mostly pattern paper, some ribbon, a few rubons and computer generated monthly labels (what she wanted). I'll scan or take pictures of some of the pages tonight. I used mostly Rob & Bob slab papers and some Christina Cole papers (very pretty!!!).
I'm starting a 6x6 album (for pay) today for a co-worker here at work. She's having her first grand-girl! She's very excited. I'm kinda nervous about working with a 6x6, which doesn't leave much room for emblishments or titles. But she picked the size, so what the customer wants, the customer gets.
We saw Shaggy Dog this weekend. VERY cute movie. DD will probably get it on DVD since I liked it so much. Tim Allen did a great job as a the dog!
More later ........
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Hobby Lobby and their success
My friend Sarah posted about Hobby Lobby on a recent blog http://lovelettersillustrated.blogspot.com/ which reminded me of a great article that I had read. I'll paraphrase and retype quickly some of the reason Hobby Lobby is successful according to several different vendor. This is can be found on Mike Hartnett, Feb 2004 Creative Leisure New in the Business Wise column.
The article starts out like this:
From opening a 300 sq ft store to 1.1 billion dollars? They are closed on Sundays, don't have the fancy POP technology at checked counters, etc.... So how did David Green achieve such success. They asked some vendors who sell to HL and are HL's competitors.
1) manufacture much themselves and import a much larger proportion of product directly from Asia. (this is the kickers) In many cases they will buy new lines from a vendor, but once they see the sales movement, "knock it off" themselves. They are very open about this strategy and as a manufacturer you have to decide whether this type of business is worthwhile (they manufactur, distribute and retail their own product)
2) keep product on shelves
3) store size and product mix attracts a very broad consumer base
4) lease costs are lower because they tend to operate in "secondary" locations.
5) hire genuinely good people
6) buyers have YEARS of experience
7) Honesty and integrity
8) Very easy to do business with them
9) straight forward business
10) they open new stores regulary, but only if they can use their own trucks to ship goods to them
11) they don't make HUGE margin on everything they sell
12) loyal employees
I've also read somewhere that they own their own construction company, so anytime they remodel an exististing store (which as stated in #4) they use their own people, so they are making money for themselves. Hobby Lobby incorporates a lot more than just the store, they have lots of subsidary.
I think HL is a facsinating company, considering they are closed on Sunday's and still make money hand over fist!
More later!
The article starts out like this:
From opening a 300 sq ft store to 1.1 billion dollars? They are closed on Sundays, don't have the fancy POP technology at checked counters, etc.... So how did David Green achieve such success. They asked some vendors who sell to HL and are HL's competitors.
1) manufacture much themselves and import a much larger proportion of product directly from Asia. (this is the kickers) In many cases they will buy new lines from a vendor, but once they see the sales movement, "knock it off" themselves. They are very open about this strategy and as a manufacturer you have to decide whether this type of business is worthwhile (they manufactur, distribute and retail their own product)
2) keep product on shelves
3) store size and product mix attracts a very broad consumer base
4) lease costs are lower because they tend to operate in "secondary" locations.
5) hire genuinely good people
6) buyers have YEARS of experience
7) Honesty and integrity
8) Very easy to do business with them
9) straight forward business
10) they open new stores regulary, but only if they can use their own trucks to ship goods to them
11) they don't make HUGE margin on everything they sell
12) loyal employees
I've also read somewhere that they own their own construction company, so anytime they remodel an exististing store (which as stated in #4) they use their own people, so they are making money for themselves. Hobby Lobby incorporates a lot more than just the store, they have lots of subsidary.
I think HL is a facsinating company, considering they are closed on Sunday's and still make money hand over fist!
More later!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
{New baby}
One of my very best friends had a baby girl yesterday!!! YEA! I've very excited for her. She and her hubby have been married a couple of years, first child together. I can't wait to see her and the baby. I think I'm gonna look for a 11 x 8 1/2 album for her, solid color and do a baby album for her pictures. I'm sure with her 3 sisters she'll have a ton!
I'm feeling the effects of working full-time and trying to have a "home" business also. Lately I've had no energy for scrapbooking and I need to get some stuff done. I've got a paper bag album started, a couple pair of altered jeans and cards started for the Livery Stables. I have 3 baby books to do and I could stand to work on my own stuff a little too! My plan is to work on things this weekend some take off Monday and work and then I'm taking off Friday, so maybe Thursday night I can get most of my laundry done so I can work most of the next weekend too!
DH and I talked about private schools last night again for DD. The plan has always been to send her to Davidson Academy, but they have annouced that they are planning to move to Hendersonville. So Goodpasture is next on the list, which is a little cheaper. But still expensive. We'll never have another new car again! Sending her to Goodpasture is like having a $450 car payment for the next 8 years!!!! And the bad thing is that its likely that they'll hold her back because she's struggling in Math. Poor kid. She got my Math genes, which are almost non-existent.
Today is the first day of the next 10 week session of WeightWatchers. I'll post later my goal.
I'm feeling the effects of working full-time and trying to have a "home" business also. Lately I've had no energy for scrapbooking and I need to get some stuff done. I've got a paper bag album started, a couple pair of altered jeans and cards started for the Livery Stables. I have 3 baby books to do and I could stand to work on my own stuff a little too! My plan is to work on things this weekend some take off Monday and work and then I'm taking off Friday, so maybe Thursday night I can get most of my laundry done so I can work most of the next weekend too!
DH and I talked about private schools last night again for DD. The plan has always been to send her to Davidson Academy, but they have annouced that they are planning to move to Hendersonville. So Goodpasture is next on the list, which is a little cheaper. But still expensive. We'll never have another new car again! Sending her to Goodpasture is like having a $450 car payment for the next 8 years!!!! And the bad thing is that its likely that they'll hold her back because she's struggling in Math. Poor kid. She got my Math genes, which are almost non-existent.
Today is the first day of the next 10 week session of WeightWatchers. I'll post later my goal.
Friday, March 10, 2006
By the way .....
If anyone knows of Mid-TN craft fairs coming up, please let me know. I'm thinking of setting up in one or two this year and need to start working on stuff. THANKS!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I missed the Wednesday post ........ sorry!
I had a meeting all day yesterday. From 8:00 - 3:00 ......... oh my goodness..... what a boring day. I feel like I missed a whole day at work since I wasn't at my desk much.
Weighed yesterday and signed up for another 10 week session with Weight Watchers. The first session (which I was in for 9 weeks) I lost 13 lbs. No too shabby, especially considering I didn't try that hard the last 3 weeks. I do seem to be more aware of my portions and what I'm eating. I do try to get more healthly food. But I've had pizza a couple of times and even fried chicken tenders and french fries. Although I have to say, with the Chuck E Cheese pizza, I had two pieces and that was it and it was plain cheese. With my work pizza, its a personal pan size and I had two pieces, but they had ham and pineapple. I think just being aware of your serving sizes and trying to eat healthly things really help. PLUS, I don't snack anymore, especially after supper at night. I did have one and half scoops of ice cream last night, but it was the Purity 1/2 the fat ice cream. Pretty good stuff!!!
I thought I had lost my cell phone this morning. I got in my car yesterday and I didn't have it. I figured I had left it on my desk at work. But when I got here this morning, it was around. When I logged into email, I had a message from someone who works a floor below me that found it in our parking garage. It must have fallen out of my purse. I'm SO CELL PHONE addicted! I hated not having it. I think I must have needed to use it about 400 times on the way home yesterday! I'm just glad its back!!!!
My darling daugther got caught cheating on a quiz yesterday. Using her calculator under her desk!!! Can you believe it! In 3rd grade!!!! She was honest and when the teacher asked her what she was doing, she said "cheating"!!! And then she told me before I had to sign the sheet with the teachers note on it. I giver her props for being honest enough to tell the truth .... she was grounded from the TV and playing with her Barbie house. Parenting .... ugh!!!
Okay, let me ask this? At what age does your hairstyle need to reflect your age? KWIM? I'm 35, I started growing out my hair about 4 years ago. I went through a faze where I wanted it pretty short, but all of the sudden I wanted long hair. So I've spent 4 years growing out my bangs and length. Its about 2 inches short of being in the middle of my back. And straight. But lately I'm thinking its time for a change. Either curly and long or shorter and straight. I also started thinking, I'm I too old for long, straight hair? I gotta deceide before the 16th, which is my hair appointment day, cut and color!
Weighed yesterday and signed up for another 10 week session with Weight Watchers. The first session (which I was in for 9 weeks) I lost 13 lbs. No too shabby, especially considering I didn't try that hard the last 3 weeks. I do seem to be more aware of my portions and what I'm eating. I do try to get more healthly food. But I've had pizza a couple of times and even fried chicken tenders and french fries. Although I have to say, with the Chuck E Cheese pizza, I had two pieces and that was it and it was plain cheese. With my work pizza, its a personal pan size and I had two pieces, but they had ham and pineapple. I think just being aware of your serving sizes and trying to eat healthly things really help. PLUS, I don't snack anymore, especially after supper at night. I did have one and half scoops of ice cream last night, but it was the Purity 1/2 the fat ice cream. Pretty good stuff!!!
I thought I had lost my cell phone this morning. I got in my car yesterday and I didn't have it. I figured I had left it on my desk at work. But when I got here this morning, it was around. When I logged into email, I had a message from someone who works a floor below me that found it in our parking garage. It must have fallen out of my purse. I'm SO CELL PHONE addicted! I hated not having it. I think I must have needed to use it about 400 times on the way home yesterday! I'm just glad its back!!!!
My darling daugther got caught cheating on a quiz yesterday. Using her calculator under her desk!!! Can you believe it! In 3rd grade!!!! She was honest and when the teacher asked her what she was doing, she said "cheating"!!! And then she told me before I had to sign the sheet with the teachers note on it. I giver her props for being honest enough to tell the truth .... she was grounded from the TV and playing with her Barbie house. Parenting .... ugh!!!
Okay, let me ask this? At what age does your hairstyle need to reflect your age? KWIM? I'm 35, I started growing out my hair about 4 years ago. I went through a faze where I wanted it pretty short, but all of the sudden I wanted long hair. So I've spent 4 years growing out my bangs and length. Its about 2 inches short of being in the middle of my back. And straight. But lately I'm thinking its time for a change. Either curly and long or shorter and straight. I also started thinking, I'm I too old for long, straight hair? I gotta deceide before the 16th, which is my hair appointment day, cut and color!
Friday, March 03, 2006

Can you believe, I've fallen in love with a cheap carpet? Its a Berber, but it's a stocked carpet at Lowe's, which means not all stores have it and only a few have the 32 feet I need. One of my jobs today (other than my real job) is to call the Gallatin and the Dickson Lowe's to see if they have enough before we drive to either one. I can't wait to get this carpet down. After the carpet is installed (on Tuesday), then we can get the couch (which is at the neighbors) After we get it moved, we'll start getting the trim to paint and have someone help Steve install it. I guess while that is happening, I can buy another big screen TV. I wish I had a picture of the carpet sample, I'd post it. Maybe this weekend I can.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Let me just start by saying.........
I hope my hubby doesn't read this blog!?!?!? I have spent WAY, WAY, WAY too much money on scrapbooking in the past week. I ordered brads and stuff from Paper Wishes, I went to ScrapIt and Hobby Lobby last Thursday, Scrappuccino's on Saturday and Memories In Bloom last night! Let me tell ya, I've got lots of stuff and lots of inspiration!!!! I need about three days off (in addition to the weekend) to work on all the stuff I got rambling around in my brain!
At MIB I bought some cool Scenic Route chipboard letters and the Scenic Route Christmas line (I might be behind on that one, but its really pretty). I also bought some of the new CHATTERBOX paper, which I LOVE. Chatterbox is my favorite line ever!!!!! I know there's a lot more that I bought (considering how much money I spent) but I just can't think right now. I WANTED the Basic Grey Notch tool, all the Creative Imagination paper & embellishments, some of the QK icings and ALL the Chatterbox paper! Maybe soon, after I save up enough money!!!
At MIB I bought some cool Scenic Route chipboard letters and the Scenic Route Christmas line (I might be behind on that one, but its really pretty). I also bought some of the new CHATTERBOX paper, which I LOVE. Chatterbox is my favorite line ever!!!!! I know there's a lot more that I bought (considering how much money I spent) but I just can't think right now. I WANTED the Basic Grey Notch tool, all the Creative Imagination paper & embellishments, some of the QK icings and ALL the Chatterbox paper! Maybe soon, after I save up enough money!!!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Today was weigh-in day. (Remember, I didn't go weigh last week)... down -3.2lbs. I was hoping for a little more, like 5 lbs because I could actually wear a pair of pants today and that I couldn't wear a couple of weeks ago. I lost a total of 11.6lbs! YEA me. I'm signing up for another 10 sessions of Weight Watchers next week. If I can lose another 11.6lbs, I'll be extremely happy!
I've been working on a small scrapbook album that has already been paid for. I need a couple sheet of pink & green, so after work I'm going to Clarksville, Memories In Bloom. It will take me about 45 to 50 min to get there from Downtown, but I think it will be worth it. I don't plan on buying much, but we'll see!!! MIB, Scrap It! and Scrappuccino's are my favorite stores ever! I can't wait to see the new stuff at MIB.
I'll be leaving work soon, hopefully! I'll post tomorrow what I buy!
I've been working on a small scrapbook album that has already been paid for. I need a couple sheet of pink & green, so after work I'm going to Clarksville, Memories In Bloom. It will take me about 45 to 50 min to get there from Downtown, but I think it will be worth it. I don't plan on buying much, but we'll see!!! MIB, Scrap It! and Scrappuccino's are my favorite stores ever! I can't wait to see the new stuff at MIB.
I'll be leaving work soon, hopefully! I'll post tomorrow what I buy!
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